Insert into two tables in Android Sqlite


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How do I add data to two tables on Android in a single transaction?

I have two tables Client and Address, is last with a foreign key referencing the client table, and must be registered in a single transaction. I know that in Mysql you have the function LAST_INSERT_ROWID();. And on Android Sqlite how do I?

1 answer


To obtain the id of the last inserted record use the value returned by the function SQLiteDatabase.insert()

long id = myDb.insert(...);  

To make several Inserts in a single transaction:

try {
    //inserir cliente e guardar o id gerado
    long id = myDb.insert(...);

    //Componha o registo endereço usado o id
    //inserir endereço

    //Commit da transação
}catch {
    //Erro durante a transação 
}finally {
  • Thanks! With your tip I managed to solve.

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