How to make part of the Jlabel text bold


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Is there any way to leave only a portion of the bold text of a Jlabel?

For example:

label.setText("apenas esta parte em <b>negrito</b>");

But this snippet of code prints the 'b' on the screen too.

1 answer


You need to wrap the whole text between the tags <html> and </html>:

label.setText("<html>apenas esta parte em <b>negrito</b></html>");

However, I suggest using alternative components, which allow you to do this without soiling the code with these individual html snippets: JTextPane or JEditorPane. In this answer there is an example of using one of these components and of what they are able to do.

  • Thank you, I had no idea it would be so simple

  • @P.Dominges yes, but it is good to use only for sporadic cases, since these excerpts make it difficult to read and maintain the code.

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