Copy existing photo in web link and paste special as bitmap in Excel cell via VBA


Viewed 414 times


I am trying to paste image (thumbnail) linked to a link as below:

Ex. The main website is: ref_=nv_sr_7

From this main page, I intend to copy and paste as bitmap in Excel the image in the link: ref_=tt_cl_i1.

See the VBA code I tried, but it doesn’t work:

Sub obter_imagem()

Dim v As Variant

Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

With ie
.Visible = True
.Navigate ""
esperar = Now + TimeValue("0:00:30")
Do Until (.Busy = False And .ReadyState = 4) Or esperar < Now: DoEvents: Loop

x = 0
Do Until x >= 500
    Set foto = ie.Document.getelementsbytagname("A")(x)
    If foto Like "*cl_i1" Then
        ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Bitmap", link:=False, _      DisplayAsIcon:=False
        Exit Do
    End If
    x = x + 1

End With

End Sub
  • I manually tested the link in which your code navigates, but it returns a blank page (only with the header, without any photo). Maybe your link is the problem. Copy and paste it into your browser for you to see. If you want to expand your knowledge, it is faster, more efficient and more reliable to get data through an HTTP request. link a boy made a code exactly to get an image of a web page using an HTTP request.

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