Xmlhttprequest "dirty HTML" answer


Viewed 36 times


I did 3 functions to optimize Xmlhttprequest:

function _ (x){
	return document.getElementById(x);
function ajaxObj (meth, url){
	var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
	x.open(meth, url, true);
	x.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	return x;
function ajaxReturn (x){
	if(x.readyState==4 && x.status==200){
		return true;

I call the 3 functions that way:

function ativar(){
      var codigo=_("codigo").value;
      var ajax = ajaxObj("POST", "verif_cad.php");
      ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(ajaxReturn(ajax) == true) {

When I use html() or innerHTML of the ajax response by ajax.responseText I have no problem. But when I want to compare the answer to an if, or use the answer as a numeric variable, it doesn’t work because it "looks dirty from HTML" as in this image obtained by Alert(ajax.responseText):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How do I get the "clean" answer, in this case, 48 ?

  • Check how your file is verif_cad.php if containing codes HTML it will surely return this code, otherwise it will not

  • Must be something in your PHP.

  • In verif_cad.php there is only PHP, in the Ajax file that has HTML

  • To test, I put all the javascript in a separate file without HTML tags and still have the same problem.

  • The related.php file was tagged with HTML tags! In a video tutorial the guy said to always put the HTML tags, even in PHP files to be included in others. Until now, Unda had been trouble!

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