Limit upload size with PHP to more than one file


Viewed 87 times


Assuming there is a single array in the variable $_FILES, the code below limits the upload size of a file:

if(empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) 
    && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) 
    && strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post'){ //pega o erro de tamanho maximo excedido

        $postMax = ini_get('post_max_size'); //pega limite máximo
        echo "Arquivo enviado excede: $postMax"; // exibe o erro
else {// continua com o processamento da página

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "<pre/>";

However, I have more than one array of the type file, that is to say: $_FILES['logotipo'] and $_FILES['certificado']. How would you adjust the response, or do this limitation individually for each file?

Reference: Limit upload size with PHP

  • If I’m not mistaken, put yourself ini_get('post_max_size'); at the top of the file, he picks it up for everyone... I’m not sure

  • on the Soe: (English)

  • Each item of the array file will have the field ["size"]=> int(). What you need would be to validate in different ways for the $_FILES['logotipo'] and ["size"]=> int(76928)?

  • Hello @Dnick, the point is that the field size will only be filled in if the file does not exceed the limit, and I do not want to have to configure the php.ini for that reason.

  • Hello @Everson, falls in the same case and Dnick’s suggestion.

  • @Magichat, but what would he have to do after that? Yeah, he just took the amount 8 M, and the limit is just 2 M and the file I’m going through is 2.5M (which already makes it size is set to zero).

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