Error when adding Controler to ASP.NET MVC


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Good morning, I am making a small solution using ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework 6 to meet a work of my course. I believe the context class:

namespace WillianRibeiro.EstudandoMVC.Web.Data{
public class EstudandoMVCContext : DbContext
    public EstudandoMVCContext()
    public DbSet<Usuario> Usuario { get; set; }
 }  }

I created the Model:

namespace WillianRibeiro.EstudandoMVC.Web.Data{
public class EstudandoMVCContext : DbContext
    public EstudandoMVCContext()


    public DbSet<Usuario> Usuario { get; set; }


I set up the web config:

<add name="EstudandoMVC_Desenv" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=E:\OneDrive\Projetos ASP NET\COPEL\WillianRibeiro.EstudandoMVC\WillianRibeiro.EstudandoMVC.Web\App_Data\EstudandoMVC_BD.mdf;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

The problem occurs when I add the "User" controller I am trying to add the MVC 5 controller with the views and using the Entity Framework. I do all the configuration and when I have created the error: "Error executing selected code generator: An exception was triggered by the destination of a call".

I’ve gone over the code several times and I can’t solve it.

3 answers


In startup.Cs:

`public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            var connection = Configuration["ConexaoMySql:MySqlConnectionString"];
            services.AddDbContext<---SeuContexto--->(options =>
            // Add framework services.


Connecting to Visual Studio 2017 - ASP NET MVC - Mysql 5.5 was having the same problem reported by the colleague.

Error while creating Controller:

"Error running selected code generator: An exception was triggered by a call destination"

Following the guidelines above by adjusting the "Context", I was able to solve the problem.

Thank you.


You need to create a Class context and the Class User (which refers to your Table), would be more or less like this:

This is the Context class ,where you will reference your tables

public partial class EstudandoMVCContext: DbContext
    public EstudandoMVCContext()
        : base("name=EstudandoMVC_Desenv")//Refere ao nome da sua conexão

    public virtual DbSet<Usuario> Usuario { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .Property(e => e.nomeUsuario)


And here will be your User class (representing your table)

public partial class Usuario
    public int idUsario { get; set; }

    public string nomeUsuario { get; set; }

If you already have the tables done in the database ,it is easier to let the Entity Framework itself generate these classes.

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