Abstractcontroller::Actionnotfound for the Destroy action


Viewed 93 times



I have two applications running on Heroku with the same code, only I’m having a little problem with the producing.

When trying to make a request, I have the following log:

AbstractController::ActionNotFound (The action 'destroy' could not be found for Managers::RecruitmentsController)

The problem is that it is trying to search in the controller Managers::RecruitmentsController, but the correct would be in Managers::ApplicantsController, as already happens in the version dev:

Started DELETE "/managers/recruitments/1/applicants/7" for at
Processing by Managers::ApplicantsController#destroy as HTML

Well, this request comes from link_to down below:

 <%= link_to "Outra chance?", "javascript:;", id: "newChance", method: 'delete', btn: true, style: :link, 'data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#modalNewChance', 'data-applicant-id' => applicant.id %>


 <script language="javascript">
   $("#newChance").on('click', function() {
       $("#linkNewChance").attr('href', '/managers/recruitments/<%=  @recruitment.id %>/applicants/' + $("#newChance").data('applicant-id'));

My controller:

class Managers::ApplicantsController < Managers::BaseController
def destroy
  @applicant = Applicant.find(params[:id])



  flash[:success] = "Aplicação resetada com sucesso. Candidato tem nova chance."
  redirect_to managers_recruitment_path(params[:recruitment_id])

My routes:

namespace :managers do
 get "guide/index"
 resource :dashboard, only: :show
 resource :profile,   only: [:show, :edit, :update]
 resource :company,   only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] do
   resource :payment, only: [:edit, :update]
 resources :plans,    only: [:new, :create], path_names: { new: 'choose' }
 resources :recruitments do
  member do
    patch 'close'
  resources :applicants do
    member do
      put 'comment'
      patch 'comment'

Here are the Routes related to the mentioned controllers.

  • 1

    what appears when you rotate a rake Routes?

  • @Thiagodiniz,appears all routes, but as for the controller in question I will edit in my reply.

  • You checked if the route is right in html?

  • Wow @Thiagodiniz... I didn’t think about it! I refactored the code by transferring the link_to for a view to respond to the same controller that in the case was Applicants. Like, the view I was making the request was related to the Recruitments controller, so I transferred the code to the view that responds to the Applicants controller, without losing value to the business. I don’t know if this was the problem but it worked out. PS.: I’m a beginner in the Rails world!

1 answer


the end-point that is called in the code snippet

<script language="javascript">
  $("#newChance").on('click', function() {
  $("#linkNewChance").attr('href', '/managers/recruitments/<%=  @recruitment.id %>/applicants/' + $("#newChance").data('applicant-id'));

Take it to the controller Managers::RecruitmentsController same... Rails is doing right, as can be observed on line 26 of the exit routes you posted


there is no redirect occurring before the Rails router processes your URL?

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