Locating values in a python array and assigning specific values


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I have the following vector:

posicao = [47, 62, 24, 18, 47, 62, 63, 78, 68, 87, 24, 18, 68, 87, 63, 78]

I need to search in this vector the values [24, 18].

After locating them all, I need to assign a random but EQUAL value to these positions.

I’m trying so many ways, but I can’t.

Could someone help me?

Grateful to those who can.

1 answer


For this case the random value is generated at the beginning and only once, which will then be applied in all substitutions. These can be done based on a list of values to be replaced, and running through the two, with a double for:

import random

posicao = [47, 62, 24, 18, 47, 62, 63, 78, 68, 87, 24, 18, 68, 87, 63, 78]
aleatorio = random.randrange(0,200)

for j in range(len(posicao)): #percorrer a lista original
    if posicao[j] in [24,18]: #ver se o elemento se encontra nos que se quer trocar
        posicao[j] = aleatorio #fazer a troca

Another solution is to use the method index array to find the element. And although it is simpler to throw an exception if the element does not exist, in this case it would be if the element that wants to place the random does not exist in the array posicao.

Controlling already these exceptions would be this way:

import random

posicao = [47, 62, 24, 18, 47, 62, 63, 78, 68, 87, 24, 18, 68, 87, 63, 78]
aleatorio = random.randrange(0,200)

for i in [24,18]: #valores a colocar o mesmo aleatório
        posicao[posicao.index(i)] = aleatorio


For a search and replacement by indexes can do:

import random

posicao = [47, 62, 24, 18, 47, 62, 63, 78, 68, 87, 24, 18, 68, 87, 63, 78]
aleatorio = random.randrange(0,200)

for i in [2, 3, 10, 11]: #indices a substituir aqui no for
    posicao[i] = aleatorio
  • I believe the first way can be optimized. By doing the for in i, you will go through the entire list twice, however, if you change the if internal to if j in [24,18], the for in i will not be necessary, going through the list only once. Another possible change would be to change the range(len(posicao)) for index, value = enumerate(posicao).

  • 2

    @Andersoncarloswoss agree that at the syntactic level the if j in which I said is actually more optimized and I have already changed the answer to that. But unless the implementation of the if x in colecao is not O(n) as I think it is, it remains a quadratic algorithm, O(n 2). Simply one of the linear searches is done at the expense of this if. Of course it would be possible to transform the algorithm into an O(nlogn) or even O(n) cost algorithm, but it would mean changing the structure of the original data to a tree or hash table respectively.

  • Thank you very, very much! For your help.

  • Sorry to ask again, but if I, instead of searching for the values [24, 18], search for their indexes, in case [2, 3, 10, 11]. How would be?

  • 1

    @Danilo already edited the answer for substitution by indices also

  • @Isac Thank you very much!

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