Retrieve xml data with php


Viewed 1,364 times


I never worked with XML. Below I put the XML code as I get from a URL. I would like to take the latitude and longitude data and move on to a PHP variable.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <message clientUnixTime="0">
                <messageContent>The help message has been cancelled</messageContent>
            <message clientUnixTime="0">
                <messageContent>This is the default HELP message. Please update.</messageContent>
            <message clientUnixTime="0">
                <messageContent>This is a custom message</messageContent>
            <message clientUnixTime="0">
                <messageContent>This is the default SPOT Check-in/OK message. Please update.</messageContent>
            <message clientUnixTime="0">
  • 1

    You can start by reading the documentation: Manipulation of XML.

  • Poxa my director I still can not understand if you give me to advance I thank much

  • Try these then:

  • Nothing yet blz leaves still thank you there by the force

2 answers


The answer format is a little strange, so I had to make a loop to show all the latitudes and longitudes.

Try to do it this way:

$xml = simplexml_load_file('url-do-xml');

$i = 1;
foreach($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message as $message) {
    print_r("Latitude $i: $message->latitude\n");
    print_r("Longitude $i: $message->longitude\n\n");

Substitute url-do-xml by the url you get the xml.

If you cannot open the xml directly by the link you can create a temporary xml file with this answer and open it in the function simplexml_load_file.


Latitude 1: -99999.0
Longitude 1: -99999.0

Latitude 2: 45.42249
Longitude 2: -111.68832

Latitude 3: 45.42249
Longitude 3: -111.68832

Latitude 4: 45.42249
Longitude 4: -111.68832

Latitude 5: 45.42249
Longitude 5: -111.68832
  • Buddy how I could catch just from latitude 1

  • @Hemersonprestes $latitude = $xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[0]->latitude;

  • Top my friend worked out thanks !


To read the xml file:

$xml = simplexml_load_file($arquivo);/* Lê o arquivo XML e recebe um objeto com as informações */
$total = count($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message);//número de elementos

//usado com bloco array
$localizacao = array();

/* Percorre o objeto e imprime as informações na tela */
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++):

   //uma variavel com todos os elementos
   $variavel = $variavel. ($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->latitude)." ".($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->longitude)." ";

   //imprime linha a linha
   echo "Latitude: ";
   echo " ::: Longitude: ";
   echo "<br>";

   //bloco array
   $result = ($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->latitude)." ".($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->longitude);       
   //array_push() recebe dois argumentos: um array, e um elemento para adicionar no final deste array      
   array_push($localizacao, $result);
   //fim bloco array


echo "<br>Variavel: ";
echo "<br>";
echo $variavel;
echo "<br>";
echo "<br> Array";
echo "<br>";

Making use of dynamic variables, each variable ($S0, $S1,$s2 ...) with a latitude and a longitude

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++){    
   $n = "s".$i;
   $$n= ($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->latitude)." ".($xml->feedMessageResponse->messages->message[$i]->longitude);
   echo $$n;
   echo "<br>";
  • Simplexml is a php library, which facilitates reading of xml files without the need to write many codes.

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