How best to avoid sql inject


Viewed 206 times


Well I have 2 ways to prevent sql inject, are they:


$input = $conexao->real_escape_string($input);


$input = filter_var ($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);


select * from cadastro where nome = '".$input."' LIMIT 1

What is the best way?

The real_escape_string requires mysql or php server resource?

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    The FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS for me is terrible. It will convert other information like the <, > and even the &. In my opinion the database should store all the original content and use the htmlentites (or htmlspecialchars) in the output of the information, never in the input. Also, if using the FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS you will spend a < for &lt;, then you’ll make a json_encode of a value &lt;, doesn’t make any sense. Imagine that my username is<dev>, you will get the information from &lt;dev&lr;. About "consuming resources", everything consumes. :)

1 answer


Using PDO also helps

 $query = "SELECT* FROM cadastro WHERE nome = :nome LIMIT 1";

 $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
 $stmt->bindValue(":nome", $input, PDO::PARAM_STR);

Thus, you define what type of variable goes for each parameter PDO::PARAM_STR

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