Retrieve json object


Viewed 260 times


I have the following object:

  codigo : "1",
  nome   : "Carlos"

Java class (POJO)

public class usuario{
   private int codigo;

   private String nome;

   /* ... */

The call

Call<Usuario> getUsuario(@Query("codigo")

What do I call this object using retrofit?

I’m trying like this:

private void getUsuario ( Service service, int codigo ){
        Call<Usuario> userCall = service.getUsuario( codigo );
        userCall.enqueue(new Callback<Usuario>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<Usuario> call, Response<Usuario> response) {
                Log.i("User body",response.toString());
                if( response.isSuccessful() ){

                   //Não sei o que fazer 



            public void onFailure(Call<Usuario> call, Throwable t) {
                Log.i("onFailure Usuario", t.getMessage());
  • To get the result is Answer.body does like this: User replies service = Answer.body dai tu instance the user class (the POJO you created ) and saves like this: user.setname = answerservice.getname, if it is from a list it is a little different, this is all inside the Answer

  • Actually, my lists worked fine

  • Your way it worked!

  • 1

    Can you add as an answer, please

2 answers


The Body of your responseis already your object!

So try it this way:

private void getUsuario ( Service service, int codigo ){
        Call<Usuario> userCall = service.getUsuario( codigo );
        userCall.enqueue(new Callback<Usuario>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<Usuario> call, Response<Usuario> response) {
                Log.i("User body",response.toString());
                if( response.isSuccessful() ){

                   //VAMOS PEGAR O USUARIO
                   Usuario usuario = response.body();



            public void onFailure(Call<Usuario> call, Throwable t) {
                Log.i("onFailure Usuario", t.getMessage());


To get the result is Answer.body does like this: User replies service = Answer.body dai tu instance the user class (the POJO you created ) and saves like this: user.setname = answerservice.getname, if it is from a list it is a little different, this is all inside the Answer

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