Library that performs Google searches


Viewed 33 times


People have a question here I’m beginner on Android, I want to produce an APP that does searches on sites like Casasbahia, Casa&video and etc and show the products in order of prices, someone knows some library that do this kind of research?

  • Matheus, have you tried to do anything? Have you made any progress?

  • I don’t know anything about Android Studio, I just made apps by Appinventor and I’m wanting to go to Android, so I don’t know where to start, I wanted to know at least the name of libraries that help me do itthere I turn to Layout.I’ve tried to search Google about it but I didn’t get any results at least half as good as what I’m looking for

1 answer


Android native does not have, but you can make communication with the REST API of Search, for example.

  • Thanks, I’ll take a look at it, I didn’t even know that Buscapé had developer site kkkk

  • Just to warn you, the learning difficulty jump from Appinventor to Java from Android Studio is huge. You will have to study hard to develop what you need.

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