Insert edit points blocking user interaction


Viewed 34 times


Using the Google Maps Javascript API, with this code below I am creating a PoLyline, that would be a line on the map passing a array of coordinates in the path. Look at:

Polyline maplines = new google.maps.Polyline({
  path: groups[i].arrLatLng,
  strokeColor: "#"+hexColors[i],
  strokeOpacity: 1,
  strokeWeight: 3,
  zIndex: 2,
  editable: true

I followed the example in Simple Polyline, in the Google Maps API documentation itself. See below the 2 Polylines:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In order to be able to edit the line by showing those "white dots" on each dot, I set the property editable as true.

The point is, I want the line to be fixed without user interaction, but I want the "white dots" to remain. If I remove the property editable, the lines will be fixed, but the "white balls" will disappear.

Would it be possible to innervate the editing points (white balls) without the user being able to interact with the line? What would be the best way to do this?

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