Limit Inner Join Result


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I’ve been in trouble for a few days. I have a select that does some Inners and should return 3 lines, but one of the Inners has several results linked to the searched result; how to limit this Inner to take only the first result and select continue returning the 3 lines?

    SELECT `imovel`.`imvValorImovel`, `imovel`.`imvCodigo`, 
          `imovel`.`broCodigo`, `imovel`.`imvDormitorio`, `imovel`.`imvSuite`, 
          `imovel`.`tpoCodigo`, `imovel`.`imvGaragem`, `bairro`.`broNome`, 
          `tipo`.`tpoNome`, `imagem_imovel`.`imaNome` 
    FROM  `imovel` 
    INNER JOIN  `bairro` ON  `imovel`.`broCodigo` =  `bairro`.`broCodigo` 
    INNER JOIN  `tipo` ON  `imovel`.`tpoCodigo` =  `tipo`.`tpoCodigo`
    INNER JOIN  `bairro` ON  `imovel`.`broCodigo` =  `bairro`.`broCodigo`
    INNER JOIN  `imagem_imovel` ON  `imovel`.`imvCodigo` =  `imagem_imovel`.`imvCodigo 
    WHERE  `imovel`.`broCodigo` = "'.$resultado->broCodigo.'" 
    AND `imovel`.`tpoCodigo` = "'.$resultado->tpoCodigo.'" 
    AND `imovel`.`imvFinalidade` = "'.$resultado->imvFinalidade.'"
    LIMIT 3
  • which Inner returns more than one result ? which limitation will be applied ?

  • the last one, with immovable image, the limitation is to take only one result from this table and continue running the query.

2 answers


To filter repeated results on a Join you can use a group by. For example, let’s assume that the table that has duplicated records for the same property is the imagem_imovel:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In this case, there is only the property "1" with two images: img1 and img2. To recover the largest image, you will need to create a subquery in your Join:

select * from imovel join bairro using (broCodigo) join tipo using (tpoCodigo) join (select max(imvNome), imvCodigo from imagem_imovel group by imvCodigo) maioresImagens using (imvCodigo);

Notice that instead of doing Join on the table imagem_imovel was made a Join with a query that returns the biggest names of this table (max(imvNome)) for each property (group by imvCodigo). The rest of the query remains and now the result will be:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The important thing here is to know how to make use of the Queries whenever you have a limitation on the results of a Join.

  • It works! However it is a little unviable, the query takes 22 seconds to bring results (testata directly in the bank).

  • Yes, the consultation will become more complex even, impacting on the execution plan. One way to optimize would be to use the query that brings everything and treat the biggest result in the same code.


in that case, I think it would fit only a sub-select:

    FROM `imagem_imovel` 
    WHERE `imagem_imovel`.`imvCodigo` = `imovel`.`imvCodigo` 
    ORDER BY `imagem_imovel`.`imvCodigo`  
    LIMIT 1) as `imaNome`
FROM  `imovel` 
INNER JOIN  `bairro` ON  `imovel`.`broCodigo` =  `bairro`.`broCodigo` 
INNER JOIN  `tipo` ON  `imovel`.`tpoCodigo` =  `tipo`.`tpoCodigo`
INNER JOIN  `bairro` ON  `imovel`.`broCodigo` =  `bairro`.`broCodigo`
WHERE  `imovel`.`broCodigo` = "'.$resultado->broCodigo.'" 
AND `imovel`.`tpoCodigo` = "'.$resultado->tpoCodigo.'" 
AND `imovel`.`imvFinalidade` = "'.$resultado->imvFinalidade.'"

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