Display alerts in an Application Console c#


Viewed 431 times


I warn you that maybe my doubt is too primary, but come on...
I’m doing a c#console project, but I’m having trouble displaying error alerts. What I wanted to do was leave a separate part of the console for alerts, and when the user does something wrong, show that region, otherwise it remains hidden.
Someone has done something similar or can give tips on how to show error alerts. I accept other Solutions and tips.
From now on, thank you all.

  • can be in a messageBox?

1 answer


Well, I’m guessing you’re using Windows: You can put the error message in a messgeBox:

using the


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ConsoleApplication1

    class Program
        [DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]

        public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr h, string m, string c, int type);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("MessageBox de erro");
            MessageBox((IntPtr)0, "Erro", "Error", 0);

or using the

System.Windows.Forms don’t forget to add the reference to your project:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ConsoleApplication1

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("MessageBox de erro");
            MessageBox.Show("Erro", "Error");
  • Man, you handled me perfectly. Thank you so much for the tip.

  • @Ricardoalves Try to better formulate your neighbors, so you don’t have to stay in pending, follow a link to help you - en.stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-Ask

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