How to get information from the server operating system?


Viewed 808 times


How can I get the operating system from my server? For example, some method to know if the operating system of the production environment is on Linux, Windows, etc...

1 answer


There are a few ways you can use to get this information:


The php_uname() returns information about the operating system PHP was built on.

echo php_uname(); //Windows NT I5 6.1 build 7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1) AMD64

To check if operating system is Windows, you can do as follows:

$so = explode (" ",php_uname());

if($so[0] == "Windows"){
  //Não Windows


Can use PHP_OS, a predefined constant also, where will return most of families of systems.

echo PHP_OS; //Linux

To check whether the operating system is from the Windows operating family, you can do as follows:

if(PHP_OS == "WINNT"){
    }elseif(PHP_OS == "Linux"){

Or you can still do it:

  if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
    // Windows
    // Não Windows

You can see a Most complete list of Wikipedia results or this question answered in our Big Brother SO.


As stated in the comments there are also superglobal variables $_SERVER. Although they have tested (on a production server) one by one and only return other server-related information, (none returned the operating system) they may be useful in some other situation.

Below this script found in the documentation returning practically everything related to variables $_SERVER:

$indicesServer = array('PHP_SELF', 

echo '<table cellpadding="10">' ; 
foreach ($indicesServer as $arg) { 
    if (isset($_SERVER[$arg])) { 
        echo '<tr><td>'.$arg.'</td><td>' . $_SERVER[$arg] . '</td></tr>' ; 
    else { 
        echo '<tr><td>'.$arg.'</td><td>-</td></tr>' ; 
echo '</table>' ;

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