Display another value in a D3 chart tooltip


Viewed 32 times


I was making a preview and needed to display a different value on tooltip that it displays. The visualization is entirely based on this model: http://bl.ocks.org/mstanaland/6100713, and displays the values of each bar. I wanted to check if there is the possibility to also display the label name of each value (in the example, it would be the name of each fruit), but I do not understand much of D3/javascript and all the attempts I made were frustrated. Someone could give me a light?

  • Post the code you’ve already done so we can understand/help.

  • Hi, Leonardo. In this case, the code is just an adaptation of this link that I sent to you. I only changed the values, but the rest I left absolutely equal

  • If it is an adaptation, post the same to facilitate

  • The code is exceeding the character limit, but the link is this one: http://noelowpoo.zz.mu/teste/visu1/todas.html

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