App update in Play Store


Viewed 249 times


I have the following problem, I have an application made in Ordova that I published it in the Play Store, this application got some users...

Before the demand refits the application from scratch, using Ionic 3 and I climbed it in the play store with the same signature changing only the versions so that the users receive the update... from this update the following has occurred.

  1. If it’s the user’s first download, he downloads the new version.. That’s OK!

  2. If the user owns the previous version, the update button does not appear for it, being necessary to uninstall the application and install again.

  3. Google Play has not sent notification nor is updating the application automatically (for those who are enabled) and uninstallation and installation is required again.

I am worried because I am losing users and the application is signed correctly according to the needs of the Play Store.

Any idea what might be going on? I appreciate it from now on...

  • Are you sure the version was correct? I’ve updated apps from native to hybrid and everything worked out. In an update I did I had put a version code wrong and google warned that users would not be able to update to the new version if I used that code, so I changed it and everything worked out. Go to Version Management > App Versions > Manage Production > Version History menu and click on a version. Make sure the version code is correct. Remember, it has version (ex: 3.3.0) and version code (1,2,3,4), this must be sequential

  • In config.xml, you kept the same id and updated the version?

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