I cannot log into phpmyadmin


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Right now I’m studying shared file cloud services like Owncloud and Pydio.

I am using Debian 9 as a machine. I installed xampp on it. I entered the phpmyadmin settings normally and went to put password in root user.

When you enter there on the page you have the following:

root ::

root :: 1

root :: localhost  <-- Eu abri esse e coloquei uma senha e o hashing da senha eu coloquei mysql 4.1+ e gerei o password.

after I went into the phpmyadmin folder and edited the file config.inc.php and left it the way it is in the picture.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After that I saved and when I go into the phpmyadmin appears that:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How to fix this?

1 answer


After changing the configuration file, try to clear the cookies and restart the browser. Access again and see if it works.

I am trying to configure Apache 2.4 in XAMPP for Windows and always have to do this, if not always shown outdated data on my page.

Try to restart the phpmyadmin also.

  • It didn’t work out. It stays the same.

  • Tried to set "Allownopasswordroot" to true?

  • If I put true, I’m saying root has no password.

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