Adds WITH query within another query


Viewed 94 times


Guys, how to add the query below as a subconsulta.

Consultation with WITH:

WITH tabela (projeto, operadora) AS (
  SELECT p.projdesc,
    FROM tarefa tt

         INNER JOIN projetos p ON p.projid = tt.projid
         LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
   WHERE tt.modid = 181
     AND tt.tarstatus <> 9

     AND (tt.tartipid BETWEEN 867 AND 934
      OR tt.tartipid IN (1004, 1034))
     AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%')

SELECT r.projeto,
       STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.operadora
                FROM tabela t
               WHERE t.projeto = r.projeto

                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras
  FROM tabela r
 GROUP BY projeto;

Another Query, where this is to place the query from above, because another column will be generated with the query above.

SELECT DISTINCT(pp.projdesc),
               c.compdesc qtdecnpjs,
  FROM projetos pp
       INNER JOIN tarefa t ON pp.projid = t.projid
       INNER JOIN usuario u ON t.usuidresponsavel = u.usuid
       INNER JOIN usuario u1 ON t.usuidcliente = u1.usuid
       LEFT JOIN statusaux s ON t.tarstatus = s.statusid
       LEFT JOIN complemento c ON c.usuid = t.usuidcliente
                              AND c.compid = 1
 WHERE t.macprocid = 33
   AND t.tartipid IN (866)
  • Demonstrate some example of the result you expect, only with what is exemplified by query I can’t understand what you want.

  • @Renanbessa: In the first code, the junction between the tables tarefa and tipo is of the type LEFT JOIN but the presence of the restriction c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%' turns it into INNER JOIN. This is just what you need?

2 answers


If you want to use the first concatenation query to return the records of the second you would have to do the following:

WITH tabela (projeto, operadora, compdesc, usuuf) AS (
  SELECT pp.projdesc,
  FROM projetos pp
       INNER JOIN tarefa t ON pp.projid = t.projid
       INNER JOIN usuario u ON t.usuidresponsavel = u.usuid
       INNER JOIN usuario u1 ON t.usuidcliente = u1.usuid
       LEFT JOIN statusaux s ON t.tarstatus = s.statusid
       LEFT JOIN complemento c ON c.usuid = t.usuidcliente
                              AND c.compid = 1
 WHERE t.macprocid = 33
   AND t.tartipid IN (866))

SELECT r.projeto,
       STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.operadora
                FROM tabela t
               WHERE t.projeto = r.projeto

                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras,
       SUM(r.compdesc) AS qtdecnpjs,
  FROM tabela r
 GROUP BY r.projeto, r.usuff;
  • 1

    Big Sorack! Thanks Master, you helped a lot.


Evaluate the following code.

-- código #1 v3
cteUm as (
  SELECT p.projid, tt.tartitulo
    FROM tarefa tt
         INNER JOIN projetos p ON p.projid = tt.projid
         LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
   WHERE tt.modid = 181
     AND tt.tarstatus <> 9
     AND (tt.tartipid BETWEEN 867 AND 934
          OR tt.tartipid IN (1004, 1034))
     AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%'
cteDois as (
SELECT r.projid,
       STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.tartitulo
                FROM cteUm t
               WHERE t.projid = r.projid
                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras
  FROM cteUm r
  GROUP BY projid
SELECT pp.projdesc, pp.projid,
       c.compdesc as qtdecnpjs,
       u1.usuuf, C2.operadoras
  FROM projetos pp
       INNER JOIN tarefa t ON pp.projid = t.projid
       INNER JOIN usuario u ON t.usuidresponsavel = u.usuid
       INNER JOIN usuario u1 ON t.usuidcliente = u1.usuid
       --LEFT JOIN statusaux s ON t.tarstatus = s.statusid
       LEFT JOIN complemento c ON c.usuid = t.usuidcliente
                              AND c.compid = 1
       LEFT JOIN cteDois as C2 on C2.projid = pp.projid
 WHERE t.macprocid = 33
   AND t.tartipid = 866;

IF Object_Id('tempDB..#FiltroTarefa', 'U') is not null
  DROP TABLE #FiltroTarefa;

The external SELECT of the first code is transformed into the cteDois CTE.

It seems to me that the statusaux table is not necessary in the external query (the last one), mainly because the junction is of type OUTER JOIN.

DISTINCT has been removed. If the result indicates it is necessary, reinsert it.

The column projdesc has been replaced by the column projid in cteUm. Is that the comparison by object denomination is not always reliable when it is possible to have more than one object with the same name.

  • 1

    you really are the guy. Thanks, it worked out!

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