Guys, how to add the query below as a subconsulta.
Consultation with WITH
WITH tabela (projeto, operadora) AS (
SELECT p.projdesc,
FROM tarefa tt
INNER JOIN projetos p ON p.projid = tt.projid
LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
WHERE tt.modid = 181
AND tt.tarstatus <> 9
AND (tt.tartipid BETWEEN 867 AND 934
OR tt.tartipid IN (1004, 1034))
AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%')
SELECT r.projeto,
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.operadora
FROM tabela t
WHERE t.projeto = r.projeto
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras
FROM tabela r
GROUP BY projeto;
Another Query, where this is to place the query from above, because another column will be generated with the query
SELECT DISTINCT(pp.projdesc),
c.compdesc qtdecnpjs,
FROM projetos pp
INNER JOIN tarefa t ON pp.projid = t.projid
INNER JOIN usuario u ON t.usuidresponsavel = u.usuid
INNER JOIN usuario u1 ON t.usuidcliente = u1.usuid
LEFT JOIN statusaux s ON t.tarstatus = s.statusid
LEFT JOIN complemento c ON c.usuid = t.usuidcliente
AND c.compid = 1
WHERE t.macprocid = 33
AND t.tartipid IN (866)
Demonstrate some example of the result you expect, only with what is exemplified by
I can’t understand what you want.– Sorack
@Renanbessa: In the first code, the junction between the tables
is of the type LEFT JOIN but the presence of the restrictionc.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%'
turns it into INNER JOIN. This is just what you need?– José Diz