Doubt query - SQL Server 2012


Viewed 69 times


Good afternoon!

Guys, I don’t know if it’s possible, but I wanted to know how to get a record of a line in another line. I’ll illustrate. In the query below is coming out like this.

         Projeto                   Operadora
Telles - Bronze - Climario      Habilitação Cielo.
Telles - Bronze - Climario      Habilitação Rede.

I wanted to know if I could stay this way.

ProjDesc                             Operadora
Telles - Bronze - Climario      Habilitação Cielo e Habilitação Rede.

i.e., join the network enabling that is in the row below in the same line of the Cielo enabling. Below is the query used.

SELECT p.projdesc,
       CONCAT('Faltando ', tt.tartitulo)
  FROM projetos p
       INNER JOIN tarefa tt ON p.projid = tt.projid
       LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
 WHERE tt.tarstatus <> 9
   AND p.projid = tt.projid
   AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%'
   AND tt.projid = p.projid
   AND tt.modid = 181
   AND tt.tartipid IN (867, 868, 869, 870,
                       871, 872, 873, 874,
                       875, 876, 877, 878,
                       879, 880, 881, 882,
                       883, 884, 885, 886,
                       887, 888, 889, 890,
                       891, 892, 893, 894,
                       895, 896, 897, 898,
                       899, 900, 901, 902,
                       903, 904, 905, 906,
                       907, 908, 909, 910,
                       911, 912, 913, 914,
                       915, 916, 917, 918,
                       919, 920, 921, 922,
                       923, 924, 925, 926,
                       927, 928, 929, 930,
                       931, 932, 933, 934,
                       1004, 1034)
  • You can make the Schema of the tables available?

  • 1


1 answer


I created an example with a variable table based on the result of your first query:

                      projeto   VARCHAR(100),
                      operadora VARCHAR(100));

SELECT p.projdesc,
  FROM tarefa tt
       INNER JOIN projetos p ON p.projid = tt.projid
       LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
 WHERE tt.modid = 181
   AND tt.tarstatus <> 9
   AND (tt.tartipid BETWEEN 867 AND 934
    OR tt.tartipid IN (1004, 1034))
   AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%';

SELECT r.projeto,
       STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.operadora
                FROM @tabela t
               WHERE t.projeto = r.projeto
                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras
  FROM @tabela r
 GROUP BY projeto;

If you want to perform the query at once, use the expression WITH as follows:

WITH tabela (projeto, operadora) AS (
  SELECT p.projdesc,
    FROM tarefa tt
         INNER JOIN projetos p ON p.projid = tt.projid
         LEFT JOIN tipo c ON c.tipid = tt.tartipid
   WHERE tt.modid = 181
     AND tt.tarstatus <> 9
     AND (tt.tartipid BETWEEN 867 AND 934
      OR tt.tartipid IN (1004, 1034))
     AND c.tipdescricao LIKE 'Habilita%')

SELECT r.projeto,
       STUFF((SELECT ', ' + t.operadora
                FROM tabela t
               WHERE t.projeto = r.projeto
                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, '') AS operadoras
  FROM tabela r
 GROUP BY projeto;


  • I simplified the column restriction tartipid noting that the range between 867 and 934 is fixed and the codes that really should be declared are 1004 and 1034;
  • I also improved the order of WHERE to use the conditions that restrict more first and putting the LIKE at the end, considering the cost of this instruction;
  • I also removed two conditions that were redundant;
  • I adjusted the order of JOINs to ensure that the most restricted table is searched first.

Reference: How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?

  • It worked out for me. Now I am in doubt of how I should insert this query within this query below, because there is a variable table and I do not know how it works this way.. SELECT DISTINCT(PP.Projdesc), C.Compdesc Qtdecnpjs, U1.Usuuf &#xA;FROM PROJETOS PP&#xA;INNER JOIN Tarefa T ON PP.ProjID = T.ProjID&#xA;INNER JOIN Usuario U ON T.UsuIDResponsavel = U.UsuID&#xA;INNER JOIN Usuario U1 ON T.UsuIDCliente = U1.UsuID&#xA;LEFT JOIN Statusaux S ON T.TarStatus = S.StatusID&#xA;LEFT JOIN Complement C ON C.Usuid = T.Usuidclient and C.Compid = 1 WHERE T.Macprocid = 33 AND T.Tartipid in (866)

  • @Sorack: The observation "I also improved the order of the WHERE to use the conditions that restrict more first and put the LIKE at the end, considering the cost of this instruction" is not correct. The SQL Server query optimizer ignores the order in which the restrictions are arranged in the WHERE clause.

  • @Sorack: The observation "I adjusted the Joins order to ensure that the most restricted table is searched first" is also incorrect. The SQL Server query optimizer does not take into account the order in which the tables are defined in the FROM clause. // An exception is when using the FORCE ORDER option.

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