How to recover the functions of a cloned editor?


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I’m dynamically adding the summernote down in green. I’m actually cloning the ones above. Of course I’d have a problem with that otherwise it wouldn’t be programming. The functions of the added editors do not work. Would someone tell me what I should do to get around such a problem?

I’m using the code below to add it.

$(document).on('click', '.adicionar', function() {
    var content = $("#perguntas_formatadas").html();
    $("#clone_perguntas_formatadas .form-group").attr("data-remove", 1);
  • Have you tried re-applying summernote to the cloned element? Something like $('#clone_perguntas_formatadas').summernote();

1 answer


I’ve never used Summernote, but I sell basic API documentation there are the following functions to obtain the typed content (in HTML) and there is also how to define a content by inserting inside an existing Summernote, respectively:

$('#summernote').summernote('code', markupStr);

So basically:

// Inicia o primeiro Summernote:
   .summernote('code', '<b>Esse</b> é o <u>primeiro</u> summernote');

// Excuta quando clicar em "Copiar":
$('#copiar').on('click', function() {

  // Copia o conteúdo do primeiro Summernote:
  CodigoDoPrimeiroSummerNote = $('div#primeiro').summernote('code');
  // Cria outros Summernote clonados do primeiro:

    .summernote('code', CodigoDoPrimeiroSummerNote);

<!-- Bibliotecas externas (JQuery, Bootstrap, Summernote...): --><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><script src=""></script>

<div id="primeiro"></div>

<button id="copiar" class="btn">Copiar</button>

<div id="clones"></div>

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