Setting up Github


Viewed 665 times


I would like a help of how I do to set up Github on my Windows 10 32bit Operating System machine to move up my projects.

  • vc ta talking about git or github software?

  • Hello Sorry. Git with Github.

  • Moderators and Mr @LINQ Help Center I see that this question is within the purpose of stackoverflow. See: 1 - common tools among programmers 2 - practical and well-defined problems concerning software development 3 - theoretical doubts about concepts and practices applied to software development

2 answers


Install Git for Windows

Moving up your project for the first time:

  1. Enter the root folder of your project by command prompt
  2. Create the local repository:
    C:\SeuProjeto> git init
  3. Add the files to the local repository:
    C:\SeuProjeto> git add .
  4. Confirm all changes as commit:
    C:\SeuProjeto> git commit -m "Meu primeiro commit"
  5. Add your remote repository (Github)
    C:\SeuProjeto> git remote add origin
  6. Push/Push (Push) all changes to the remote repository (Github)
    C:\SeuProjeto> git push origin master


If you want to work on a project already created on Github, check this out:

Another option for Github 'Github Desktop'

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You can simply install the Github Desktop and follow the instructions within it.

  • Hello Igor, can you explain to me the steps I must follow...?

  • 1

    @Diego has no secret. Just install and follow what software tell you to do. He will teach you to use it himself. You don’t need to use command lines or anything in this. It will all be with graphical user interface.

  • 1

    Perfect, I’ll try! Thanks for the info

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