Good morning I’m making a chart using the Highcharts library, I implemented it in a static way to perform the tests, but now I need to pass the information from the database to him. I read and saw that there are several ways, by XML, by Json. I wanted to know if anyone has used this library and what would be the best way to make this implementation.
I am using JSP with servelt I have already set the list that I will use in the graph as a parameter.
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart = Highcharts.chart('grafico', {
chart : {
type : 'column'
title : {
text : ' '
xAxis : {
categories : [ '06/2016', '07/2016', '08/2016', '09/2016',
'10/2016', '11/2016', '12/2016', '01/2017', '02/2017',
'03/2017', '04/2017', '05/2017' ],
labels : {
x : -10
yAxis : {
allowDecimals : false,
title : {
text : 'Valor em Reais'
series : [ {
name : 'Meses',
data : [ 113.56, 240.22, 132.22, 215, 326.33, 214.89, 223.45,
134.12, 99.23, 119.89, 221.34, 226.12 ]
} ],
responsive : {
rules : [ {
condition : {
maxWidth : 500
chartOptions : {
legend : {
align : 'center',
verticalAlign : 'bottom',
layout : 'horizontal'
yAxis : {
labels : {
align : 'left',
x : 0,
y : -5
title : {
text : null
subtitle : {
text : null
credits : {
enabled : false
} ]
<!--Método Servelt -->
List<Registros_leitura_medicao> lista_leitura = new Registros_leitura_medicaoDao()
.findAll(resp.getCliente().getCodigo().doubleValue(), resp.getBloco(), resp.getUnidade());
request.setAttribute("lista_leitura", lista_leitura);
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("principal.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);