Unfortunately you cannot do it through PHP. Try Vbscript.
I found below a very basic version:
Note: This code has not been tested.
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Function post(url, data)
'Faz o request para o servidor com parametros POST e retorna a resposta
Dim restReq
Set restReq = CreateObject ("Msxml2.XMLHttp.6.0")
restReq.open "POST", url, False
restReq.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
post = restReq.responseText
End Function
Function cwrite(path, filename, data)
'Escreve um ficheiro numa determinada pasta, caso nao exista a pasta ou o ficheiro cria os dois
Dim objFile, file
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
file = path & filename
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(path) = True Then objFSO.CreateFolder path
If objFSO.FileExists(file) = True Then objFSO.deletefile file, True
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(file,True)
objFile.Write data
End Function
Function existsFile(file)
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
existsFile = objFSO.FileExists(file)
End Function
Function MakeTask(schedule, modifier, title, action)
'Cria uma tarefa usando SchTasks
Set wShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
wShell.Run "SchTasks /Create /SC " & schedule & " /MO " & modifier & " /TN """ & title & """ /TR """ & action & """ /F", 0
End Function
Function getRegistryValue(strKeyPath, strValueName)
'Busca o valor de um determinado registo
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,regValue
Set oReg = Nothing
If Not regValue = 0 Then
getRegistryValue = regValue
getRegistryValue = Nothing
End If
End Function
Set wShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Sys_Drive = wShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemDrive%")
SERVICE_URL = "http://url_do_serviço.com/serviço.php"
FILE_PATH = Sys_Drive & "\"
If Not existsFile(FILE_PATH & "ficheiro.txt") Then
responseBody = post(SERVICE_URL, "data1=value1&data2=value2")
'ESCREVE O FICHEIRO "ficheiro.txt" COM O VALOR "responseBody"
cwrite FILE_PATH, "ficheiro.txt", responseBody
MakeTask "MINUTE", 15, "A MINHA TAREFA", "caminho_para_o_ficheiro_vbs/ping.vbs"
End If
OK, but this file will be separated along with my other files . php, that ? what is the extension to save this file ? and how to call this procedure in PHP by passing the parameters to save and check later ?
– PauloMaia
I liked that idea, but I never applied, I need help to apply it here in practice.
– PauloMaia
how can I do ?
– PauloMaia
Someone knows a solution, because nothing yet, ?
– PauloMaia
Articuno & Gonsalo Souza / Still nothing here , I could not solve this question. It would be better to open another question ?
– PauloMaia
@Paulomaia First step to forgive me for not explaining this part, this file will have to be saved with extension
. As I noticed that you opened another question, has the problem been solved? I also saw that you are using only PHP as suggested in the reply you received, but you cannot make any changes to a file that is stored in a location on the machine Desktop for example. If you need more information I can post a full version that will help you get the requested.– Gonsalo Sousa
, I’m still in the dark !
– PauloMaia
@Paulomaia Just a few more details before creating a stable version for the requested, 1 - Do you need to run on client machines or just on your local machine? (client case: the same will have to run the file
only once). 2 - What kind of data will be saved only text or binary/hexadecimal? 3 - You will have to save this information in the Registry or it can be in a filetxt
in a specific location?– Gonsalo Sousa
, See https://answall.com/questions/226338/como-writing-e-ler-dados-registro-do-windows-com-php/226371#226371 and also https://answall.com/questions/226381/como-manipular-a-string-vinda-de-um-arquivo-exporteddo-regedit#226385
– PauloMaia
------> * I have a login system that receives data from a web service, but the user access the login while not connected to the internet, it is not possible to access the webservice in question, for this reason I intend to save in an external file for ex. in the windows registry of that same machine where the login system is installed PHP, save the value of 2 variables one is the serial number of the system that releases the entry to the system through login and another is a number that can vary from 0-99 .......... continue in the Prox. comment .....
– PauloMaia
which is a security number that I make available to the case of the user is without internet for a while the system goes discounting from this quota made available for off accesses and go decreasing this number in the register until arriving at a point where it has no exit because they ran-if the execution quotas off and it has to log in connected for the system to update the data saved in the windows registry
– PauloMaia
I need the full php Routine, I don’t have the . reg it needs to be created via php routine and written/stored in it the value of 2 variables and then in another routine search it and compare the values stored in it with the local variable controllers 2 to see if they are equal values................... It will be run in the client / String data Strings / I believe that in the Windows Registry it is safer because it is not lost and is well saved / It can be a Txt yes.
– PauloMaia
@Paulomaia I understood the idea perfectly, however as I explained above the client will have to execute the file
that will create a task that will function as "socket" ordering your X service in X time, Another solution will be to use cookies or the very Localstorage of the browser in javascript. Will the client be able to execute such a file? and how do you intend to distribute it? PHP does not have any access to the local machine, because it only runs on the server, javascript is also unable to perform actions outside the browser.– Gonsalo Sousa
Let’s go continue this discussion in chat.
– Gonsalo Sousa
Got some results in Adapted Code ?
– PauloMaia