Generic method for locating a specific value in several types of similar structures


Viewed 60 times


public enum EXEMPLOENUMERADOR1  { blablabla1, blablabla2 }

public enum EXEMPLOENUMERADOR2 { blablabla3, blablabla4, blablabla5}

public enum EXEMPLOENUMERADOR3 { blablabla6, blablabla7, blablabla8, blablabla9 }

public class ClasseExemplo01 {
    public EXEMPLOENUMERADOR1 exEnum;
    public int level = 1;

public class ClasseExemplo02 {
    public EXEMPLOENUMERADOR2 exEnum;
    public int level = 1;

public class ClasseExemplo03 {
    public EXEMPLOENUMERADOR3 exEnum;
    public int level = 1;

With these structures above I am making today specific methods for each in order to locate a specific value within their structure and return me the object itself of the instance of this specific structure, for example:

//Essas variaveis estão no escopo da minha classe que eu to usando o metodo abaixo...
private List<ClasseExemplo01> listinhaGlobal;
private ClasseExemplo01 instanciaDeExemplo01;

private ClasseExemplo01 GetInformation()
        foreach(ClasseExemplo01 item in listinhaGlobal)
            if (item.exEnum.Equals(instanciaDeExemplo01.exEnum))
                return item;
        return null;

This method is too specific, I can’t reuse it for all types of classes and enumerators different.

How can I create a generic method that accesses and compares values from several similar structures?

  • If I understood your question, you have to use a little logic, for example: what do the 3 classes have in common? an integer attribute, i.e.. the "generic" method would process the information it receives per parameter and return this data type.

  • It would be good to put other parts of the code so we can help better. Anyway it’s a very weird code and it doesn’t even look C#.

1 answer


That’s probably what you want:

public class Exemplo<T> {
    private List<T> listinhaGlobal;
    private T instanciaDeExemplo;
    private T GetInformation() {
        foreach(var item in listinhaGlobal) {
            if (item.exEnum == instanciaDeExemplo.exEnum)) {
                return item;
        return null;

I put in the Github for future reference.

Then it will instantiate for example as

var objeto = new Exemplo<ClasseExemplo01>();

Still this code is very weird and I think it’s not helping much. I doubt I need to do it this way.

It would be nice to read the C nomenclature standard#. I think it comes from C# and it would be good to eliminate her addictions, especially don’t use everything high in names.

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