Maximum body size of a POST request


Viewed 605 times


I have an APP that sends data via POST to a WEBSERVICE.
The problem is that I have a BLOB field (the data inside it is giant) and I send about 30 records per request.
My question is, there is a maximum amount of data I can send via POST?

1 answer


The answer is simple, it exists. Using the command phpinfo you can obtain this information. The relevant fields of phpinfo about sending data, would be these below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

According to the PHP documentation, follows explanations about each configuration:

max_file_uploads (integer)
The maximum number of simultaneous files during an upload. As of PHP 5.3.4, blank fields of files are not counted for this limit.

max_input_nesting_level (integer)
Configure the maximum depth of levels of input variables ( $_GET, $_POST).

max_input_time (integer)
Sets the maximum time, in seconds, that a script is allowed to spend interpreting input data such as GET and POST. The timer starts at the moment the PHP is called by the server and ends when the execution starts.

max_input_vars (integer)
Configure how many input variables will be accepted, with the limit applied to each super global $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE separately). The use of that Directive mitigates the possibility of denial of service attacks using hash. If there are more variables than specified in that Directive E_WARNING is launched, and additional input variables are ignored.

memory_limit (integer)
Sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. This helps prevent bad scripts from consuming all available memory on the server. Note that to have no memory limit, set this directive to -1.

post_max_size (integer)
Sets the maximum size of the posted data. This setting also affects the upload files. To receive upload of large files, this value needs to be greater than upload_max_filesize. By and large memory_limit must be bigger than post_max_size. When a integer is used, the value is measured in bytes. The summary notation, as described in this FAQ, can also be used. If the posted data is larger than post_max_size then the superglobal variables $_POST and $_FILES will be empty. This can be observed in several ways, for example by including a variable in the array $_GET when calling the script (call for <form action="edit.php?processed=1">), then checking whether $_GET['processed'] is filled.

upload_max_filesize (integer)
The maximum size of a file sent.

These values can be set in the php.ini. If commented, just remove the comment and set the desired value.

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