remove data from an object list


Viewed 57 times


I’m having trouble removing an object from the list according to a code.

I tried to do so:

void turma::removeraluno (int matricula){
         // remover o aluno pelo codigo de matricula
    list<aluno>::iterator it;

for (it=lista.begin();it != lista.end();it++){

    if (it->getmatricula()== matricula) {

    } else{
        cout << "NAO ENCONTRADO "<<endl;

But when I try to execute the error of memory buffer. I’ve tried with remove too and it doesn’t work

2 answers


you can try.

for(int i;i<lista.size();i++){
  • Thus ai gave the following error : error: no match for ?Operator[]' (operand types are ?Std::__cxx11::list<pupil>' and ?int')|


Your error results from using the iterator after calling Rase on it. This results in undefined behavior.

You can do it this way:

void turma::removerAluno (int matricula)
    for (list<aluno>::iterator it = lista.begin(); it != lista.end(); ++it)
       if (it->getmatricula() == matricula) 
           it = lista.erase(it);        

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