Firemonkey file sharing


Viewed 513 times


I’m new to firemonkey and I believe my question is simple. I have an sqlite table with some information and I exported this data to a txt. Now I want to email this txt. How do I share this file on android?

  • the idea was to send by email or share? could explain better?

  • Would share to attached in the email and send.

1 answer


There’s a project on github that does exactly what you need, follow the link below. It is a process that receives as parameter the emails of the recipient/copy, subject, text of the email and attachments:

Procedure wwEmail( Recipients: Array of String; ccRecipients: Array of String; bccRecipients: Array of String; Subject, Content, Attachmentpath: string; mimeTypeStr: string = '');

the project URL is:

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