Validate field after typing


Viewed 1,114 times


I’m using the Bootstrap Validator, the validation of the form is working very well. However, I wanted the validation of the field nome is executed only when the user has finished typing.

Validation of this field makes a request ajax synchronously, and this makes a couple of locks during typing.

		disable: false,
		custom: {
			existingName: function($el) {
				var teste = "";
					url: '',
					datatype: 'json',
					data: {
						idImovel: $"existingname"),
						nome: $el.val()
					async: false,
					success: function (response) {
						response = JSON.parse(response);
						if (response.result === false) {
							teste = response.mensagem;
				return teste;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<form id="frmImovel" data-toggle="validator" role="form">
<div class="form-group col-md-4">
		    		<label for="txtNome" class="control-label">Nome</label>
		    		<input id="txtNome" name="nome" class="form-control"
		    			placeholder="Nome do Imóvel" type="text"
		    			data-required-error="Por favor, informe o nome do imóvel!"
		    			data-remote-error="Já existe um imóvel com este nome!"
		    		<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

2 answers


Calls the function of checking the "name" field only when the user clicks out of the field.

Use "onblur" to do this.

<input id="txtNome" onblur="myFunction()" name="nome" class="form-control"
                    placeholder="Nome do Imóvel" type="text"
                    data-required-error="Por favor, informe o nome do imóvel!"
                    data-remote-error="Já existe um imóvel com este nome!"
  • It’s not quite that, but your answer made me have an idea and this idea worked, posted an answer to how I managed to do.

  • Well, then all right hauhauahau


I managed to make it work by manipulating events keydown, keyup and focus.

I just add the validation existingname in the Bootstrap Validator when the user type at least one letter and stay 1 second without typing anything. When the user clicks on a button or enters the field I remove the validation.

var typingTimer;

		disable: false,
		custom: {
			existingName: function($el) {
				var teste = "";
					url: '',
					datatype: 'json',
					data: {
						idImovel: $"existingname"),
						nome: $el.val()
					async: false,
					success: function (response) {
						response = JSON.parse(response);
						if (response.result === false) {
							teste = response.mensagem;
				return teste;
  $('#frmImovel #txtNome').keyup(function() {
						if ($('#myInput').val) {
							typingTimer = setTimeout(function(){
								$('#frmImovel #txtNome').attr("data-existingname", 0);
							}, 1000);
					}).keydown(function() {
						$('#frmImovel #txtNome').removeAttr("data-existingname");
					}).focus(function() {
						$('#frmImovel #txtNome').removeAttr("data-existingname");
<script src=""></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<form id="frmImovel" data-toggle="validator" role="form">
<div class="form-group col-md-4">
		    		<label for="txtNome" class="control-label">Nome</label>
		    		<input id="txtNome" name="nome" class="form-control"
		    			placeholder="Nome do Imóvel" type="text"
		    			data-required-error="Por favor, informe o nome do imóvel!"
		    			data-remote-error="Já existe um imóvel com este nome!"
		    		<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

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