I’m not able to add a reference to my program


Viewed 71 times


I need to use this structure. The problem is that I’m unable to find it in the . NET Framework. I’ve already added a reference to System.Numerics and put the using, but I still can’t use it. I also tried to add a reference to the System.Numerics.Vectors and put using System.Numerics.Vectors, but it turns out that the two don’t even exist.

Trying to use:


Trying to add reference to System.Numerics.Vectors:


What am I doing wrong? How to fix?

  • Added the dll system.numerics.vector?

  • I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong, but take a look at the second image of the question. It doesn’t appear there.

  • I’m pretty sure she’s on one of the flaps. Anyway, you can download by nuget (https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Numerics.Vectors)

  • @LINQ has not, I searched all before asking the question. I installed the nuget here, but when I open the software, I will need the dll along?

  • It will, man. But the DLL will stay in the folder bin along with the others.

1 answer


You will need to download the DLL by nuget

PM> Install-Package System.Numerics.Vectors

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