How to check if an item has already been entered in a list in c#


Viewed 532 times


  1. There is the list classes
  2. Inside that list I put objects like gang
  3. Each object has (string)nameTurma.Text & a numerical value (int)numericUpDown1.Value
  4. I use the method addTurma to place objects in the list classes

        public static List<turma> turmas = new List<turma>();
        public static void addTurma(turma x)
     turma x = new turma(nomeTurma.Text,(int)numericUpDown1.Value);
     //Se nomeTurma.Text não exite na lista turmas

I just want to add class objects which do not have the same name, that is, check whether (string)nameTurma.Text already exists on the list classes

  • 1

    Make a go on the list and see if it exists by comparing the two, see if there is an equal and controls with a bool

  • @Brunoh. There is no other way, there is no kind of a method that already does this own of the lists ?

  • 2

    Yeah, use the . Any().

  • @Francis as I use the . Any ?

  • @Amadeuantunes Linq for me is equal to regex, I know how it works, but I have no idea how you use kkkkkk Anyway, you can see in the documentation and maybe find the expression you need to do this check: aspx

  • 2

    It’s gonna be something like this: bool existeNome = turmas.Any(p => p.Nome == nomeTurma.Text);

  • 1

    You can also make a If if no you add, type:if(!turmas.Any(p => p.Nome == nomeTurma.Text){...})

  • helped me so

  • The question is already open ^^

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1 answer


if(turmas.Any(t => t.Text == text))  


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