How to compare Date to Mysql field


Viewed 1,857 times


I’m a beginner in Java and I have a table in Mysql that has a date field and the dates are stored in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Now I need to recover only records whose value of the date field is greater than or equal to today’s date.

I’m trying to do the below, but it’s not working:

Date dataHoje = new Date();
Query consulta = em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Consulta c WHERE c.dtConsulta >= dataHoje");

Someone could help out?

I’m sorry I didn’t post the code in full, but it goes below:

public List<Consulta> listarDatasLivresParaMarcarConsultas(int mes, int ano){


    Date dataHoje = new Date();

    Query consulta = em.createQuery("select c from Consulta c " +
            "left outer join fetch c.terapeuta t " + 
            "left outer join fetch c.cliente cl " + 
            "SUBSTRING(c.dtConsulta, 1, 4) = ?1 AND " + 
            "SUBSTRING(c.dtConsulta, 6, 2) = ?2 AND " +
            "c.dtConsulta >= dataHoje AND " +
            "c.cliente = null AND " +
            "c.statusConsulta = 'C'");

        consulta.setParameter(1, ano);
        consulta.setParameter(2, mes);

        List<Consulta> consultas = consulta.getResultList();


        return consultas;

User chooses month and year through Jmonthchooser and Jyearchooser components, which return two integers respectively.

Thanks for any help!!! Augusto

  • 1

    Hello Augusto welcome to SOPT, I edited your question to add markup on the code parts, this makes it easy to view the question, and you get better answers, visit to understand a little better of the site.

  • Augusto, please supplement your code. For example, how are you using the consulta.setParameter(...) ? Because your mistake may be in the JPA ultimalization itself, and not JPQL

1 answer


  • Thank you all for your help! I was able to solve the problem using the JPA CURRENT_DATE function.

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