Jobscheduler to run every x hours


Viewed 330 times


I need to run an api access in an interval of hours, for example every 3 hours.
I was looking for ways to do this, I read about Alarmmanager and about this Jobscheduler that seems to be the latest.

The right thing for my purpose is to use it ?

It is compatible with previous versions of android ? ( my minimum version is 17).

If possible post an example of using it.

  • Dude, Google is full of great tutorials. I did a search now and the first result that came is already an excellent tutorial. I only had to type 3 words in the search: job Android Scheduler. Much simpler than writing a whole question.

  • I couldn’t find information about it working in previous versions

1 answer


Jobscheduler requires API 21+.

An alternative that works in all versions is the Gcmnetworkmanager.

It uses Jobscheduler in versions 21+ and in lower versions uses its own implementation.

To use it, your service must inherit from Gcmtaskservice.

Declare it on Androidmanifest.xml as follows:

        <action android:name="" />

Get the Gcmnetworkmanager:

mGcmNetworkManager = GcmNetworkManager.getInstance(this);

Schedule a periodic task like this:

    PeriodicTask task = new PeriodicTask.Builder()


At the time the scheduled task is executed, the system calls the method onRunTask() of your service.

More alternatives:

  • Firebase Jobdispatcher that provides a Jobscheduler compatible API.
    Works on all versions from API 9 that have Google Play services installed. Backward compatibility is achieved by using Gcmnetworkmanager.

  • Workmanager

    New api included in the brand new Android Jetpack.
    Uses support libraries, allowing backward compatibility.


  • ramaral, if I’m not mistaken the job Scheduler appeared in version 21, not 23. I would also recommend the Evernote Job Scheduler, but there is another scope :)

  • @Wakim thank you. What misled me was that it is said in Implementing GCM Network Manager on Android that Gcmnetworkmanager uses Jobscheduler in versions 23+.

  • 1

    Weird, either the documentation is wrong or Chet Haase is wrong in this medium post: Normal in the Android world hehe, not everything is documented right.

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