How to put " in a String?


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I’m trying to evaluate a PHP code using Java, for that I need to replace in the code all " for \". The problem is that Java also has this escape character to put " in a String. Told me to use \\", but the result was this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Does anyone know how to type this? Or any way to run PHP inside the JVM? (I’m doing a trick that boils down to running on the terminal echo "codigo" | php... It’s working, but there’s this little problem with "). Thank you

  • Beware of evaluating codes. If you have any possibility of user input, your program may have a high risk of vulnerability.

  • Try to use \\\", The first two bars will be transformed into one for the string, and the \" will be the literal character ".

  • Was solved using \\\", Thank you guys. As for the "evaluator" care, I have a handle on this, thank you for warning =)

  • @Mateusa., put your comment in response, so Nathan can mark it as correct, thus helping the community.

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    To run PHP in the JVM:

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1 answer


Try to use \\\", the first two bars will be transformed into one, for the string, and the \" will be the literal character ".

  • Ué, the answer is in the answer not in the comments. I did not understand the -1

  • 1

    I think it was because it would be more friendly of you to guide to Your turn comment in response than to copy his comments in full ;)

  • That may be, but if Matthew puts the answer, I remove mine from the good ones, instead of being negatived by an answer that is correct :|

  • That’s why I said "guide you to convert the comment in response" ;)

  • Because they didn’t guide me yet, instead of negatively ?

  • Why didn’t you guide him? This is something that anyone can do, including shows companionship :)

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    Yes, I did now! While you were telling me to do :D

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    No need for -1, this question is very simple and has already been answered here and here for this reason I did not answer and I marked as comment, besides being able to cover another answer because it does not show the complete code. My only mistake was not signaling, sorry... but can keep the answer.

  • 1

    Since I entered the stack here, I do not understand the people responding in the comments, seriously. Comment is to comment, reply to reply. Why this craze?

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    @Lucashenrique got this craze in the O.R., and they can be for several motives.

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    @Mateusa. I think I understood, it would be like, I don’t have time to give a detailed answer, I’m not sure if it’s totally correct, or just to give a guide to the right way.

  • @Lucashenrique yes, so much so, as also do not like to answer questions I signal (third answer of the post on goal).

  • @Mateusa. makes sense...

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