Expression nickname with SUM is not working


Viewed 97 times


I’m trying to make a SUM in a query that performs some calculations. Follow the example:

 SUM ( (qtd - qtd_devolucao) * valor AS total)
 id_pedido = '47'

I’m having the following mistake:

#1064 - You have a syntax error in your SQL next to 'Total AS')

  • You want the sum to be called total?

  • I want to add all the total

  • And what is the expression that forms the total?

  • I want the total receives (qtd - qtd_devolucao) * valor Then I want to have a sum in the total.

1 answer


  • It didn’t work out, keep making the same mistake.

  • @Hugoborges put a Fiddle showing that it works, you must be doing it wrong, or the question is wrong.

  • Sorry, the mistake really was mine. It worked 100%, thank you.

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