I made this little code based on what I read on the Internet, but the captions don’t appear in any browser I tested.
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<video poster="filmes/A-cabana-HD.jpg" class="embed-responsive" controls autoload>
<source src="filmes/filme.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<track label="Português" kind="subtitles" srclang="PT-BR" src="filmes/legenda.vtt" default/>
<b>Por favor: entre com um navegador que tenha suporte a HTML5</b>
What to do to make subtitles work in HTML5?
It was more for the 3° Option. I just didn’t understand, I didn’t see much difference in writing from srt to vtt, I put WEBVTT in srt and renamed to caption.vtt but it didn’t work. I used an online converter and it worked. What’s the secret?
– user41630
There are some differences between the two formats, read the section Main Differences from str: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebVTT. But the main one is the coding of the text file (which is not only seen by observing the content). Webvtt accepts only UTF-8, it is possible that your SRT was ANSI.
– C. Bohok
I get it, thank you!
– user41630