Initialize apache and mysql in windows 7 32 Bits using Xampp


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I would like to initialize Apache and Mysql from Xampp as soon as the system is initialized, I did some research and found this:

Service installation: In C:/xampp/apache double-click "apache_installservice.bat". Service uninstallation: No C:/xampp/apache double-click on "apache_uninstallservice.bat"

Service installation: In C:/xampp/mysql double-click on "mysql_installservice.bat". Service uninstallation: No C:/xampp/mysql double-click on "mysql_uninstallservice.bat"

But I came across the following problem, when I run both appear the following messages, respectively:

Installing Apache2.4 as an Service Installing the 'Apache2.4' service (OS 5)Access denied. : AH00369: Failed to open the Windows service manager, per haps you forgot to log in as Adminstrator? Now we Start Apache2.4 :) The service name is invalid.

For more help, type NET HELPMSG 2185.

Press any key to continue. . .

Installing Mysql as an Service The system cannot find the specified file. Install/Remove of the Service Denied! Try to start the Mysql service name is invalid.

For more help, type NET HELPMSG 2185.

Press any key to continue. . .

Someone could help, thank you!

  • Perform the apache_installservice.bat and mysql_installservice.bat as Administrator by right-clicking the mouse button.

  • You qr boot apache and mysql along with windows, that’s it?

  • Yes @gato, when the system starts it already starts, apache and mysql.

  • @Laérciolopes, Running as Administrator... Installing Mysql as an Service The system cannot find the specified file. Install/Remove of the Service Denied! Try to start the Mysql Reset service ... Invalid service name. For more help, type NET HELPMSG 2185. Press any key to continue. . .

  • Goes in the Control Panel, User Accounts, Change User Account Control settings and lower the whole button, restart the computer and try again.

  • 1

    Okay, it worked out! Thank you!

  • I will put as an answer and you accept ok?

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2 answers


This solution works for me.

Open the XAMPP Control Panel, and click the button config. Behold:

xampp config

then just enable Autostart corresponding to Mysql and Apache and click the button Save. See below:


But, it is necessary to start XAMPP together with Windows, to do this just paste the path of the XAMPP shortcut into this folder:

C: Users USERNAME Appdata Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup


C: Programdata Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup

On my PC the path to Windows startup folder is this:

C: Users Cat Appdata Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup


This is happening because you are trying to run these files .batwithout the privileges of an Administrator or User Account Control is enabled.

To disable account control go to:

Control Panel, User Accounts, Change Settings Control of User Account, Lower the whole button, reset the computer and when Windows starts again try to run the files .bat.

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