How to put ISNULL in Subselect with case?


Viewed 762 times


How do I return instead Null return as Não. I’m having second thoughts about using the ISNULL within the Subselect along with the case.


Projeto teste     Null

Projeto OK        Sim.

Instead of Null I want you to call me back NÃO, how do I do?

SELECT DISTINCT concat(CC.Descricao,'-',U1.UsuNome),
                C.CompDesc QtdeCNPJs,

  (SELECT top 1 Faturado = CASE T1.TarEstagioID
                               WHEN 112 THEN 'SIM'
                               ELSE 'NÃO'
   FROM Projetos P
   INNER JOIN Tarefa T1 ON P.ProjID = T1.ProjID
   WHERE T1.TarStatus = 9
     AND T1.TarTitulo = 'Treinamento Realizado - Emitir Boleto Setup'
     AND P.ProjID = PP.ProjID
     AND T1.TarTipID = 674) Faturado
INNER JOIN Usuario U ON T.UsuIDResponsavel = U.UsuID
INNER JOIN Usuario U1 ON T.UsuIDCliente = U1.UsuID
LEFT JOIN Complemento C ON C.UsuID = T.UsuIDCliente
AND C.CompID = 1
LEFT JOIN CurvaABC CC ON (CC.CurvaID = U1.CurvaID)
WHERE CC.CurvaID = 1

2 answers


  • This I know how to use, because it is a simple select, but I’m having difficulties in the cited query, because it is a subselect.

  • I find it amusing that my answer is negative, since I answered the question that had been asked. After my answer was edited the question for what really he needed!


The calculation of "Invoiced" can be rewritten to

-- código #1 v2
SELECT concat(CC.Descricao,'-', U1.UsuNome),
       C.CompDesc as QtdeCNPJs,    
       case when exists (SELECT * 
                           from Tarefa as T1
                           where T1.ProjID = PP.ProjID
                                 and T1.TarStatus = 9
                                 and T1.TarTitulo = 'Treinamento Realizado - Emitir Boleto Setup'
                                 and T1.TarTipID = 674
                                 and T1.TarEstagioID = 112)
            then 'SIM' 
            else 'NÃO' end as Faturado
  from PROJETOS as PP

Is a correlated subconsultation.

In this sub-survey it is not necessary to use the Projects table; it is enough to establish the direct correlation with the Projects table of the external consultation.

  • Big José Diz, I tested here, but it still came null in the Invoice column. Null Null Yes Null

  • @Renanbessa: The return of the EXISTS function is boolean; either true or false. This way, it either displays the YES or the NO. I added in code #1 the other columns, to compare with what you are using. // The result you entered, "Null Null Yes Null", indicates that the Invoiced column, which is the third column, came "Yes"?

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