The table is created by javascript code when clicked on an item in another table, but it has no animation. The animation I want to put is "Fadeout". When the table item is clicked, it should appear with the "Fadeout" effect. I tried to use Fadetoggle, but I couldn’t.
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Função Ajax, consulta no banco de dados */
function mostra_ocorrencias(nome_aluno){
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xmlhttp.readyState===4 && xmlhttp.status===200){
document.getElementById('relatorio').innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
document.querySelector('relatorio').innerHTML = xmlhttp.send();
// $("#relatorio").fadeToggle();
<tr onclick="mostra_ocorrencias(id)">
PHP code (single search.php):
$con = mysql_pconnect("localhost","root","eeep");
$sql = "select tipo from ocorrencias where nome_aluno = '".$_GET['nome_aluno']."'";
$resultado = mysql_query($sql,$con) or mysql_error();
while ($linha = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) {
if($linha['tipo']=="Falta Justificada"){
if($linha['tipo']=="Fardamento Incompleto"){
if($linha['tipo']=="Entrada/Saída Autorizada"){
**// A Tabela é criada aqui!**
echo "<table id='relatorio_v'>
<td class='vermelho'>Falta</td>
<td class='laranja'>Falta Justificada</td>
<td class='azul'>Fardamento Incompleto</td>
<td class='verde'>Entrada/Saída Autorizada</td>
<td class='marron'>Indisciplína</td>
<td class='vermelho'>".$falta."</td>
<td class='laranja'>".$Falta_Justificada."</td>
<td class='azul'>".$Fardamento_Incompleto."</td>
<td class='verde'>".$ES_Autorizada."</td>
<td class='marron'>".$Indisciplina."</td>
Take a look here.
– gato
This section requires Jquery
and apparently not using Jquery. Add the Jquery library and then it will have the desired effect. I removed PHP from tags and everything else because PHP has no relation to the subject.– Daniel Omine