I have the following database table:
*Table structure for table `resultados` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `resultados`;
CREATE TABLE `resultados` (
`cpf` varchar(14) NOT NULL,
`nome` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`codcurso` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
`nota` float DEFAULT NULL,
/*Data for the table `resultados` */
insert into `resultados`(`cpf`,`nome`,`codcurso`,`nota`) values
('123.456.789-01','Alexandre Mie Lopes Mesa',78,4.21),
('123.876.332-72','Maria Ximenes Rosa',1,9.16),
('222.333.444-55','Livia Fernandes Linderberg',43,9.87),
('232.234.789-77','Karol Linderberg',43,8.92),
('289-890-912-76','Pedro Solano Susp',16,4.21),
('345.678.900-37','Amilton Pedro da Silva',78,9.98),
('432.654.987-21','Julio Martinez Silva',21,7.34),
('454.098.123-45','Luiz Henrique de Souza',1,7.35),
('765.123.098-22','Juliana Lopes Alves',22,5.67),
('903.201.871-23','Luiz Peres Lopes',16,8.77),
('987.654.321-10','Ana Alves de Souza',78,9.12);
And I want to select the minimum value, when I use only:
SELECT min(nota) AS menor FROM resultados
I get the result (4.21), but if I want to create a table, with students with lower grades I can’t get such a table
SELECT * FROM resultados WHERE nota = 4.21
I also tried to save this value as float and pass as var but it was not possible, I could only do with the following code:
SELECT * FROM resultados WHERE nota like '" + menorR + "'"
where less R = 4.21
Soon I want to understand why the Where note = (float number) did not work
Instead of using float because you don’t use decimal?
note` DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT NULL`, for example– Jorge B.
SELECT * FROM results WHERE note = (SELECT min(note) AS minor FROM results) what returns ?
– Motta
@Jorgeb. Out of curiosity: What is the difference of
?– user7261
@Andrey - Decimal stores the exact value.. ex: 4.21... With float/double (floating point), it could store something like 4.2099999... i.e.. in the future, you may have some problems with rounding.
– emanuelsn
@Andrey The difference is accuracy of the numbers that are saved. With
does not guarantee the accuracy of the numbers. WithDecimal
ensures accuracy but loses decimal places. Soen fountain– Jorge B.