Categories of Google query


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I have a site with wordpress When I perform a search for it in google is returned the following information:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I perform a query for another site (earth for example) the same is presented according to some categories. Let’s see:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The categories Terra Mail, News, Sports and Brazilian Championship are possibly the most accessed of the site. This same mechanism worked for my site, but for a while it stopped coming. Anyone has any idea what it might be?

  • There is a wordpress plugin that performs various SEO optimizations:

  • I use this plugin Murilo and even then the query of my site in google is not categorized. The strange thing is that before it was...

1 answer


You can get sitelinks through the google Webmastertools tool or In Adword, it is also possible through robot.txt and XML files (such as sitemap).

For more information, follow the link (about Adword) that your appearance is instant:

For other sites (that do not use Adword), there are several rules before appearing the sitelinks in the results, such as: time of existence of the site, being at the top of the ranking of a searched keyword, the site having certe "relevance" of clicks and among others.

Google Algorithms are always changing, but ensuring these aspects and having full functionality ensures that someday you will get such a benefit.


  • Thank you for the reply! :)

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