Starting GIT from Terminal


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I’m trying to give git init to the terminal and when I type in this command it accuses that the 'config' and '.git' folder already exists, etc. Also when I try to use git add * it takes time to add the file, now I don’t know if it’s because of git init error or because I’m doing it right on the FTP server.

2 answers


When you give a "ls-la", are these files that git accuses there? If so, you can manually remove with a "rm -Rf".

But, what exactly do you want to do? Start a GIT repository? Or just use one that already exists? Maybe Git init isn’t what you want.


If you want to start a new git project, first check that the . git folder already exists where you will initialize your git with the command ls -la.

If there is no folder just start the project. git init


If a git project already exists:

To restart a git from scratch, first you need to remove the previous git with the command rm -r .git.

Done this, then just create git normally: git init.

To add all files to your Stage I advise using git add . instead of git add * and if you have deleted files that also need to be versioned use the command git add -u to add all deleted files to Stage or use git add --all to add all the files (new, new, new, new) to the Stage.

Then just commit and send to your repository.

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