How to pick up part of an image using bitmap C#


Viewed 169 times


Guys, I’m studying bitmaps, and I downloaded a pdf that said an image was an array of pixels. Since it is a matrix (which is quite logical) there is how to define points within the image, mark a region so to speak. The bitmap class as well must know how to read the properties of an image, as the "size" of it, I wonder if there is any way to score points as 200 x 200(example) and save this region in a new image.

The image of Braum, character of the game League of Legends, is random and this mark in black is to show what would be this region that I refer to.

Ps: Thank you Renan, your answer helped a lot, I decided to change the question so that it was open and more answers are given.

Essa foto é totalmente aleatoria e essa marca em negro fiz apenas para mostrar oque quis dizer como "região"

  • Only the black part, would that black? another component?

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    @Bigown I was in the middle of the answer when the question was closed :(

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    Ah @Renan these questions are terrible, people say "I want to do this, if you turn around to answer everything". It is even written in the help that these questions are bad and should be closed. And it can be closed for various reasons, it’s like a school exercise, which can be even, it’s wide because it doesn’t say how it wants, it’s unclear because it lacks information about what it needs and even based on opinions because each one will do as they see fit, although I think the broad fits better.

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    @Carlos can not answer here because the question was closed, but I opened a fiddle with example and explanation (in comment):

  • I can reopen, but if I do this I practically stop moderating, because it gets complicated I do what has always been defined as should be the site and I have to keep making exceptions because someone wants to answer something that should be closed. I even opened debate

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    @bigown I don’t think is a problematic question. There are several questions of the kind in the OS in English and are well accepted there. I myself am one of the most active users in the review queues. It turns out that this kind of doubt in this question is very common, and having a question with a canonical answer we can always direct people here.

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    @Renan this goes for any school question, she never met the criteria of the site. The OS can’t even be based because there is no more control there, no sense of community, it’s always a group that is active at the moment that ends up acting according to the moment that is what I think we want to avoid here.

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    @bigown you’re right the question really had gotten bad and I’m afraid it still is, in any case you as moderator have right to close the question if she does not obey the rules of the site.

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    Related (duplicate?): How to take a part of an image?

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