How to do first system installation check on a server


Viewed 19 times


When installing Wordpress for the first time on the localhost/server it presents forms and a step by step registration of a first user the administrator.

I would like to understand how I do such a check and how the system understands that it is the first installation.

I am developing a mini blog for portfolio and would like to do exactly what Wordpress does when running for the first time.

  • 1

    Perhaps, if you are more specific regarding your doubt, it is possible that you will get a canonical answer. However, the way this question will require a very broad answer, and it will hardly be useful.

  • So I just don’t know what to ask... that’s the problem... if I hadn’t already sent a Google mister after the information =S But I understand you... and thank you =)

1 answer


The fundamental step that Wordpress uses to understand whether it is already installed or not is to search for the file wp-config.php, this happens in the archive wp-load.php, around line 34.

If it does not find this file in the allowed places (at the site root, a folder above the root), the system loads some functions and calls the file wp-admin/setup-config.php.

In setup-config.php he checks the file wp-config-sample.php exists and, from there, displays the form you see, starting from the screen of selecting a language.

  • good, interesting, I’ll start looking around... this tip was very good! Thanks Ricardo!

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