Catch IMEI via Javascript


Viewed 748 times


It is possible through a web page to get the IMEI of the mobile phone of those who access using javascript or anything else?

  • 4

    I doubt very much, it would be a serious security breach to allow this.

  • 6

    Not possible! As our friend @Articuno said it would be a very serious security breach! You may get this information, but by creating a native APP!

1 answer


No, it’s not possible. And that’s good, for various reasons, but mostly:

  • It is possible to lock a mobile device remotely only with your IMEI. This is usually done in case of theft or theft. Now imagine a malicious person who has collected your email through a website - that person could contact you and try to extort money from you under the threat of blocking your device if you don’t pay.

  • Javascript in browsers does not have access to anything that can uniquely identify a machine. You cannot get the name of the computer on the network, or access the client’s directory structure, for example. The reason follows a similar line to the previous reason: anything you could do with this information would be a violation of privacy.

If you want some customer information, create a page where you can enter these things manually.

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