Calendar in Rails 4


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I would like to create a calendar in Rails 4. I followed some tutorials on the internet, however, I was not successful. I managed to make the calendar in "per month" format through the table_builder, but I need much more of the weekly view (with the hours on the left and the days on top). I couldn’t think of a way to create this.

I tried to use some Gems, like Event-Calendar or simple Calendar, but I could not make it work properly with Rails 4.

I also went after some Javascript and/or HTML codes, but I don’t know if it is the ideal way, because then the 'filter' would be done on the client side (client-side) and then would bring all the records of events at once, overloading the client (I believe I).

If anyone can help me with this question, I’m on hold.

  • Try this: This Gem already generates the html and JS that are required!

1 answer


You can create an action in the controller that uses a date parameter (current day, for example) and filter the query for the given week, for example:

def eventos_da_semana
  semana = params[:data_da_semana_desejada].at_beginning_of_week
  @eventos = Event.where("data_inicial > ? AND data_inicial < ?", semana, semana.next_week)

In the view, just iterate through events by day and by hour (use Copes or methods in the model or in the client itself)

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