I don’t like to keep repeating code and I believe there is a way to leave, for example, two fields or more with the same style of formatting:
Down below I got two EditText
they have something in common, like the left and right margins and the top.
As I could type, only once these margins, for those fields and future fields that are created, without having to type in all fields this same margin settings?
android:id = "@+id/edfirstnumber"
android:layout_width = "match_parent"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android:layout_marginTop = "20dp"
android:layout_marginLeft = "10dp"
android:layout_marginRight = "10dp"
android:hint = "@string/campoNumerico"
android:inputType = "number"
android:id = "@+id/edsegundnumber"
android:layout_width = "match_parent"
android:layout_height = "wrap_content"
android:layout_marginTop = "20dp"
android:layout_marginLeft = "10dp"
android:layout_marginRight = "10dp"
android:hint = "@string/campoNumerico"
android:inputType = "number"