How to create a loop to send an event in


Viewed 390 times


I have an architectural problem.

I have a code using socket. in nodejs:

socket.on('images',function (aData){
    socket.sockets.emit('show', JSON.stringify({imagens : json}))

I’m trying to broadcast time in time at the "show" event, but the connected sockets can not keep sending the event images all the time.

A loop in the backend itself could solve the issue, but I need a trigger for the event images other than connected sockets.

Any solution or alternative?

1 answer


Maybe the setInterval() (English) help you, by using an anonymous function:

var show = setInterval(function() {
    socket.sockets.emit('show', JSON.stringify({imagens : json}))
}, 10000);

The second argument concerns the time in milliseconds that the function setInterval() should wait between each call.

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