How do I make my Dropdownlistfor equal to Select


Viewed 347 times


How do I leave my Dropdownlistfor, like this select where the first field cannot be selected.

  <option value="0" selected disabled>Selecionar</option>
  <option value="1">SEMANAL</option>
  <option value="2">MENSAL</option>
  <option value="3">ANUAL</option>


@Html.DropDownListFor(s => s.MeetingFrequency, new SelectList(new List<Object> {
  new { value = "0", text ="Selecionar"},
  new { value = "SEMANAL", text = "Semanal" },
  new { value = "MENSAL", text = "Mensal" },
  new { value = "ANUAL", text = "Anual" }
}, "value", "text"))

2 answers


@Html.DropDownListFor(s => s.MeetingFrequency, new SelectList(new List<Object> {
  new { value = "0", text ="Selecionar",disabled = "disabled"},
  new { value = "SEMANAL", text = "Semanal" },
  new { value = "MENSAL", text = "Mensal" },
  new { value = "ANUAL", text = "Anual" }
}, "value", "text"))
  • Pretty sure that doesn’t work with SelectList

  • It’s not worked

  • Sorry, I didn’t pay attention. It doesn’t work with selectList. It changes to Selectlistitem like LINQ, he replied. That’s right.


You can set the value of the property Disabled of SelectListItem as true.

For this to work, you will need to change the creation of the drop down list a little. Instead of using an object of the type SelectList, use a list of SelectListItem.


@Html.DropDownListFor(s => s.MeetingFrequency, new List<SelectListItem> 
    new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "Selecionar", Disabled = true},
    new SelectListItem { Value = "SEMANAL", Text = "Semanal" },
    new SelectListItem { Value = "MENSAL", Text = "Mensal" },
    new SelectListItem { Value = "ANUAL", Text = "Anual" }
}, "value", "text"))
  • I tried gave this error: "System.Web.Mvc.Selectlistitem' does not contain a definition for 'Disabled'"

  • You’re actually using ASP.NET MVC 5?

  • Well I do not know right he has the property Selected, Value, Text, but now I changed and this working I am doing in HTML same

  • If you don’t know you shouldn’t have used the mvc 5 tag. I’ll see how to do in previous versions.

  • No need ta ok, I think I selected the tag without paying attention

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